It was exciting for us to put this together (with the help of an awesome web development team) and watch it take shape over the months involved in getting it all programmed and ready for roll out. Along with our new domain address, the new site features updated information on all our audit services and training programs, with links for contacting either CMSi or our affiliate in Texas, TASA.
We have a newly-organized auditor portal to make finding documents and exhibits easier for our auditing cadre, and an Events page to get a macro-view of what’s going on at CMSi and to make finding trainings with open registration simpler. And we have some free resources and this journal space for us to announce new trainings, highlight upcoming events (Big Sky of the Rockies 2018!), and share items of interest with our auditors and site visitors. We are very proud of it and hope you find it both helpful and informative.